CHRISTOPHER MARTIN was Founding Artistic Director of Classic Stage Company (CSC Repertory) in New York, where he directed nearly 100 productions including: Shakespeare's RICHARD II, 1 HENRY IV, 2 HENRY IV, KING LEAR, HAMLET, PERICLES, JULIUS CAESAR, TITUS ANDRONICUS, TWELFTH NIGHT, MEASURE FOR MEASURE, A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM, THE TEMPEST, MERCHANT OF VENICE, MACBETH, Marlowe's DOCTOR FAUSTUS, Goethe's FAUST I & II, Ibsen's PEER GYNT, Yeats' 5-play CUCHULAIN CYCLE, Sophocles' OEDIPUS TRILOGY, Aeschylus' ORESTEIA, Melville's MOBY DICK, Shaw's MAN&SUPERMAN,in addition to major works by Moliere, Chekhov, Strindberg, Ibsen, Buechner, Wedekind, de Ghelderode, Genet, Pinter, Anouilh, Stoppard, Roger Planchon and Botho Strauss.

As an actor, he has played Falstaff, Richard II, Prospero, Shylock, Oberon, Macbeth, Antony, King John, Hamlet,Claudius, Vincentio, Pompey, Feste, Marlowe's Faustus,Goethe's Faust, Moliere's Don Juan and Alceste, Melville's Ahab and Ishmael, Ibsen's Judge Brack, Chekhov's Astrov,Shaw's Capt. Shotover, Petkoff, and Jack Tanner/Don Juan,Arden's Serjeant Musgrave, and Pinter's Mick and Max.
As a translator, he has rendered plays by Botho Strauss, Buechner, Wedekind, Duerrenmatt, Ibsen and Strindberg, Moliere, Rostand, Garcia Lorca, and Roger Planchon; hiswork on the Heiner Mueller text for Robert Wilson's THE CIVIL WARS was nominated for the 1985 Pulitzer Prize.

For the past two decades he has divided his time between National and State Theatres abroad as a director, designer,and composer, and as an actor in New York and Regional Theatre, while working on a series of international crimenovels based on his experiences in Europe and beyond.An award-winning director and designer, Mr. Martin holdsboth his BS and MA in Theatre from New York University,studied in Paris and Berlin, taught at NYU and Fordham,and served for twenty years as an American delegate to theInternational Theatre Institute World Congress. He currently teaches Shakespeare HB Studio in New York, and recently directed the all-star concert of the musical CHESS, a benefit for the Actors Fund of America. He is currently writing a pair of crime novels based on his international experiences.

King John
2 Henry IV
  School for Buffoons
The Homecoming
Grapes of Wrath